Teaching with Excellence ⬥ Learning at High Levels ⬥ Success for ALL
Photo of Huntington Principal, Kristi Schirmer
Kristi Schirmer, Principal

Welcome to Huntington Elementary School!

Huntington Elementary, located in the heart of the historic University Place neighborhood, is a school with a fascinating past and a bright future. The original Huntington school building was built in 1912 with an addition added to the building in 1915. In 1997, the entire school building was demolished and a new building was constructed on the original site. Our staff and students returned to a new building in 1999 after spending two years on the State Fair Park campus.

Huntington Elementary is the academic home to approximately 350 students. We are organized in grade level instructional teams, Preschool through 5th grade. At Huntington, students participate in specials in the areas of art, computer science, library, music, and physical education. Our specialists collaborate with grade level teams as they plan and implement instruction for all Huntington students. Other special programs include: English Language, Special Education, Intervention Support, TeamMates, Gifted Education, and the Lincoln Food Market. Huntington also has a counselor on staff to support our students, staff, and families.

Our mission at Huntington Elementary is Teaching with Excellence – Learning at High Levels – Success for ALL. Our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) review student progress on a regular basis and respond to student needs through a variety of research-based instructional strategies and interventions. At Huntington, we strive to create a positive, engaging educational climate, which will promote high levels of learning for all students. By teaching and reinforcing school wide student behavior expectations and routines, we believe students can focus on their most important job of learning.

I am honored to be the principal at Huntington Elementary School and look forward to being a guide through your child’s educational journey. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 402-436-1144. I look forward to serving the Huntington community throughout the 2024-2025 school year!

Warmest regards,

Kristi Schirmer
Huntington Principal

Huntington Links


At Huntington, we are creating safe, respectful and responsible students through teaching expectations and are dedicated to teaching academics and behavior.

Lunch Schedule

Kindergarten: 10:45—11:15
1st Grade: 11:00—11:30
2nd Grade: 11:25—11:55
3rd Grade: 11:35—12:05
4th Grade: 11:55—12:25
5th Grade: 12:25 – 12:55

Coming Up...

Mar 27

Report Cards Posted in ParentVUE

Apr 1

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

School Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meeting (SNAC)

Apr 8

Food Market Day

Apr 8

2:53 pm to 3:30 pm

Huntington Food Market

Apr 14

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Huntington Bike Rodeo


School Hours

8:15 a.m. to 2:53 p.m.


ParentVue / StudentVue
Grades, attendance, notifications and more

Important Information Booklet, Common Practices and School Handbook

Title I for Parents
Letter, Compact, Policy

Catalog search, Online Databases, eBooks


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